Welcome To Prolife Cancer Centre & Research Institute - Cancer Hospital in Pune

Why Prolife is best cancer hospital in Pune?

Cancer is a challenging disease. Even one type of cancer in different stages behaves differently in different patients. So each and every patient needs an evidence-based personalized care plan with a holistic approach.

Prolife Cancer Centre & Research Institute is renowned Cancer Hospital in Pune.  We at Prolife deliver evidence based personalized care with compassion to each  patient who entrust us. Our aim is to eliminate fear of word Cancer and make people realize that cancer is completely curable disease.

We believe there is a better way to provide Cancer Care. We stick to our mission and core values to cure and provide a better quality of life for our patients. We are bound to deliver the best care to patient who trusts us.

At Prolife Cancer Centre & Research Institute, we provide most comprehensive and advanced treatment for all type of cancers. We stick to our mission and core values to cure and provide a better quality of life for our patients. We offer you best cancer treatment in Pune in a sophisticated infrastructure.

Dr. Sumit Shah

Prolife Cancer Centre In Pune

Our Uniqueness

Minimal Access Cancer Surgery

In Minimal Access Surgery, rather than making big incisions and entering the patient’s body cavity, a surgeon makes small holes of 0.5 to 1 cm in the patient’s abdomen or thorax, and then introduces a miniature telescope which shows magnified vision and further uses a stick-like instrument to perform the task. This procedure is known as a laparoscopy or a thoracoscopy. Depending on the organs that are being removed, the surgery is called thoracoscopic esophagectomy, laparoscopic colectomy and so on.
The benefits of this minimally invasive approach are both short term and long term. Immediate benefits are less postoperative pain, less requirement of analgesics, early ambulation of the patient, early bowel function, less risk of infection, and quicker recovery time. Long-term benefits include a lower risk of an incision hernia and no restriction in your day to day activities.

Years of Experience
Happy Patients

Our Values

  • Focus
  • Authenticity
  • Transparency
  • Compassion

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Dr. Sumit Shah - Cancer Specialist in Pune

Dr. Sumit Shah is the Founder of Prolife Cancer Centre & Research Institute which provides most comprehensive and integrated Cancer Treatment under one roof. He is the Chief Consultant, Surgical Oncologist & Laparoscopic surgeon. He has pursued a super speciality course at the Cancer Centre Welfare Home and Res. Institute, Kolkata and being awarded as the Best Outgoing Cancer Surgeon from this Institute. Dr. Shah is one of the few Cancer Specialist in Pune who possess this recognized degree in Surgical Oncology.

Dr. Sumit Shah has treated more than 20000 cancer patients. He is one of the few cancer specialists who perform Minimal Access (keyhole) Surgery to offer his patients a smooth & pain-free recovery from Cancer.

As Dr. Sumit Shah quotes, “I aim to offer my patients the best possible treatment for a better quality of life. I want to treat with compassion and care and change the way people look at cancer.”

cancer surgeon in pune

Dr. Sumit Shah

DNB(Gen. Surgery), DNB(Surgical Oncology)

Fellowship in Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery

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Dr. Sumit Shah at the XIV International Conference of the Russian School of Colorectal Surgery 2024 – Moscow

Dr. Sumit Shah, an expert Consultant Surgical Oncologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon, had the privilege of attending and presenting at the prestigious XIV International Conference of the Russian School of Colorectal Surgery 2024 in Moscow. This annual meeting is attended by experts in colorectal surgery from around the world and provides a platform for exchanging ideas, […]

पुरुषों और महिलाओं में कैंसर के सामान्य संकेत और लक्षण

          कैंसर का निदान करना मुश्किल हो सकता है, क्योंकि प्रारंभिक अवस्था में अक्सर कोई स्पष्ट संकेत या लक्षण नहीं होते हैं। कुछ लोगों को बहुत हल्के लक्षणों का अनुभव हो सकता है, जबकि अन्य को बिल्कुल भी अनुभव नहीं हो सकता है। यहां हम पुरुषों और महिलाओं में कैंसर के संकेतों और लक्षणों के बारे […]

सिगरेट पीने से कौन से अंग का कैंसर सबसे ज्यादा होता है(Which organ is most likely to get cancer due to cigarette smoking)?

तो दोस्तों आप जाणते ही हो की, सिगरेट पिने से हमे कॅन्सर जैसी महाभयानक बिमारी हो सकती है। लेकीन क्या आप ये जाणते हो की, सिगरेट पिने की वजह सबसे ज्यादा कौन से अंग का कॅन्सर होता है? अगर नहीं जाणते तो हम आपको Which organ is most likely to get cancer due to cigarette […]


What Causes Cancer?

 Smoking Or Tobacco chewing likely to develop cancer of the Lung, Mouth, Throat, Esophagus, Bladder, And Pancreas. Smoking causes about a quarter of all cancers. Also exposure to chemicals like Asbestos, Benzene, Formaldehyde, etc increases the risk of developing cancer like urinary bladder cancer, lung cancer, and skin cancer. 

What are the early symptoms of cancer?

Common symptoms of any type of cancer include unexpected fevers, unexplained weight loss, lumps, etc. If the symptoms persist for more than a week, visit your healthcare provider. If cancer is suspected, you will be advised to do cancer diagnosis tests. It is followed by a screening and cancer treatment plan, which is again customized for each patient depending on the stage of cancer and other medical conditions. 

How do I know what type of cancer I have?

Based on symptoms, your cancer specialist can perform cancer diagnostic tests that can include pathological, cytological, or radiological examinations. If the cancer is confirmed, the cancer specialist determines the stage of cancer to get an idea about the malignancy’s extent and spread.

When should I see a cancer specialist?

Your doctor or physician may carry out tests to determine whether you have cancer or not. If your healthcare provider suspects that you have cancer, you’ll likely be referred to a cancer specialist.

What are the cancer treatment options available?

Treatment of cancer varies based on several factors like the type of cancer and the stage of cancer. Usually, cancer treatment options include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, etc. At a Pro-life cancer center, we use a multidisciplinary approach, where an integrated team of cancer specialists decides your cancer treatment.

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