Insurance & Billing

Home Insurance & Billing

Insurance, Billing and Financial Support

From patient check-in to final bill collection, the process of information gathering, recording, and transmission demands professional consistency. Modern technology has streamlined the process, allowing for expedient transmission of information and efficient communication between all parties. Still, in order to be an effective medical biller and coder, you must familiarize yourself with every step of the process and recognize the potential for error. The more you know about financial policies, insurance policies, compliance requirements, coding standards, patient relations, and billing technology, the more suited you will be to help the healthcare industry operate productively on a day-to-day basis.

Get a Copy of the Patient's Insurance Card

Begin the process of collecting information by asking for a copy of new insurance information from the patient. It's a good idea to ask for a insurance card copy of the card even if the patient states that insurance hasn't changed. An updated image of both sides of the insurance card in your electronic health record provides informational backup in case someone mistyped insurance information into the record. Medical billers should double check ID numbers against cards before sending claims.

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    • Phone +91-9607079019, +91-9607079029

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