Why Choose Prolife Cancer Centre

- Evidence Based personalized Care
- Senior Oncologist to take care patient directly
- Experienced Nursing Staff
- Dedicated Pain Management team
- Conglomeration of Knowledge, Skills, Technology, Expertise & Empathy
- Cleanliness and Hygiene
- Insurance & Billing Cost Effectiveness
- Upto 50% discount on Chemotherapy Medicines
- Experience reversing therapy
- insurance and physical therapy
Our Uniqueness
Our Values
- Focus
- Authenticity
- Transparency
- Compassion
Welcome To Prolife Cancer Centre & Research Institute - Cancer Hospital in Pune
Why Prolife is best cancer hospital in Pune?
- Evidence Based personalized Care
- Senior Oncologist to take care patient directly
- Experienced Nursing Staff
- Dedicated Pain Management team
- Conglomeration of Knowledge, Skills, Technology, Expertise & Empathy
- Cleanliness and Hygiene
- Insurance & Billing Cost Effectiveness
Cancer is a difficult condition to treat. Even the same form of cancer might act differently in different persons depending on its stage. Therefore, each and every patient requires a personalized care plan that is evidence-based and uses a comprehensive approach.
The Prolife Cancer Centre & Research Institute is a well-known cancer hospital in Pune. Each patient who trusts Prolife receives compassionate, evidence-based care. Our goal is to dispel people’s dread of the word “cancer” and to help them understand that it is a perfectly treatable disease.
We think there must be a more effective technique to treat cancer. To cure and improve the quality of life for our patients, we remain true to our mission and core principles. We owe it to the patient who puts their trust in us to provide the best care possible.
At Prolife Cancer Centre & Research Institute, the leading cancer hospital in Pune, we are dedicated to offering the most complete and cutting-edge care for all types of cancer. Our unwavering commitment to our mission and core beliefs drives us to treat patients with compassion and improve their quality of life. Within our state-of-the-art facility, we provide the best cancer treatment in Pune, utilizing advanced technologies and a multidisciplinary approach. Trust us to be your premier choice for comprehensive cancer care, right here in Pune.
Dr. Sumit Shah
Prolife Cancer Centre In Pune
Prolife Cancer Centre:
Where Excellence in Cancer Care Meets Compassion. Our renowned Cancer Hospital in Pune combines advanced treatment options with personalized care to provide the best possible outcomes for our patients. With a team of experienced specialists and a state-of-the-art facility, we are dedicated to fighting cancer with expertise, innovation, and a patient-centric approach. At Prolife Cancer Centre, we strive to transform lives, in still hope, and make a positive impact in the battle against cancer. Trust us to be your partner in your journey towards a healthier, cancer-free life.
Dr. Sumit Shah
Prolife Cancer Centre In Pune
Prolife Cancer Centre & Research Institute Featured on

Dr. Sumit Shah - Cancer Specialist in Pune
Dr. Sumit Shah, a renowned Chief Consultant, Surgical Oncologist, and Laparoscopic surgeon, is the founder of Prolife Cancer Centre & Research Institute. This state-of-the-art medical facility provides a comprehensive range of integrated cancer treatment options under one roof. Dr. Shah has pursued a super-specialty course in Surgical Oncology at the Cancer Centre Welfare Home and Res. Institute in Kolkata, where he was recognized as the Best Outgoing Cancer Surgeon. He is among the few cancer specialist in Pune who possess this recognized degree, demonstrating his exceptional expertise in the field of surgical oncology.
Having successfully treated over 20,000 cancer patients, Dr. Sumit Shah stands as a prominent figure in the field of oncology. His expertise extends to performing minimal access (keyhole) surgery, which ensures a smoother and less painful recovery for his patients. Dr. Shah’s mission is to provide the best possible treatment to improve patient’s quality of life while approaching cancer with compassion and care. His dedication to changing perceptions about cancer reflects his commitment to transforming lives.
With numerous cancer centers in India offering comprehensive treatment for patients from around the globe, there are ample options available to cater to diverse cancer care needs

Dr. Sumit Shah
DNB(Gen. Surgery), DNB(Surgical Oncology)
Fellowship in Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgery
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Our Blog
Does Red Meat Really Increase the Risk of Colon Cancer?
There has been a lot of debate about whether eating red meat increases the risk of colon cancer. Many people...
Read MoreUnderstanding Hair Loss During Chemotherapy: How to Deal
Receiving a cancer diagnosis is a life-changing moment, and going through chemotherapy can bring many physical and emotional challenges. One...
Read MoreIs Gut Health Linked to Colon Cancer?
When we think about our health, we often focus on the obvious factors: diet, exercise, and genetic factors. But one...
Read MoreMyths and Facts About Robotic Surgery for Cancer
Cancer treatment has seen many advancements, and robotic surgery is one of the most talked-about options today. However, many people...
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कर्करोग हा आधुनिक काळातील सर्वात सर्वात आव्हानात्मक आरोग्य संकटांपैकी एक आहे, जगभरात लाखो लोक प्रभावित झाले आहेत. वैद्यकीय विज्ञानाच्या उत्क्रांतीमुळे...
Read MoreDoctors Say Robots Now An Ally in Fight Against Cancer
The machines are precise and can make smaller incisions with minimal blood loss. They can also access areas in the...
Read MoreIs Immunotherapy Help To Treat Stage 4 Colon Cancer?
Facing Stage 4 colon cancer can feel daunting,but advancements in medical research offer hope. Immunotherapy has emerged as a promising...
Read Moreकोलोरेक्टल कॅन्सर…गेले ते दिवस…!
बदल हा निसर्गाचा नियम आहे. असं म्हटलं जातं पण हाच नियम कोलोरेक्टल कॅन्सरच्या उपचार पद्धतीत वापरला गेला तर काही...
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Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide, and a significant number of cases are linked...
Read MoreRobotic Colorectal Cancer Surgery: A Revolutionary Approach
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer globally, affecting millions of people each year. With advancements...
Read Moreडेयरी उत्पाद और कैंसर का खतरा
क्या आप जानते हैं कि हमारे रोजमर्रा के खान-पान में शामिल डेयरी उत्पाद हमारे स्वास्थ्य पर सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक दोनों...
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हम सभी जानते हैं कि हल्दी सबसे पुरानी और सबसे लोकप्रिय जड़ी-बूटियों में से एक है। हल्दी का उपयोग...
Read Moreस्तनाच्या कर्करोगासाठी हार्मोन थेरपी – Hormone Therapy For Breast Cancer
स्त्रियांमध्ये मोठ्या प्रमाणामध्ये आढळणारा कर्करोग म्हणजे स्तनाचा कर्करोग. स्तनाचा कर्करोग (Breast Cancer) झाल्यास स्तनाच्या पेशींमध्ये अनियंत्रितपणे वाढ होते, स्तनाचा...
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रेक्टल कैंसर पाचन तंत्र की एक गंभीर बीमारी है और यह रेक्टल कैंसर बड़ी आंत के अंत यानी मलाशय में...
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कॅन्सर हा गंभीर आजार असला तरी सुद्धा योग्य ते उपचार केल्यामुळे या रोगावर नियंत्रण मिळवता येऊ शकते आणि मानसिक दृष्ट्या...
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आजकल हम जो सब्जियाँ खाते हैं या कोई अन्य खाद्य पदार्थ जो हम खाते हैं वह पहले की तरह सेंद्रिय...
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तोंडाचा कॅन्सर (Oral Cancer) हा एक गंभीर आजार आहे, परंतु या आजाराचे जर वेळेमध्ये वेळेत निदान झाले योग्य उपचार घेतले...
Read MoreDr. Sumit Shah at the XIV International Conference of the Russian School of Colorectal Surgery 2024 – Moscow
Dr. Sumit Shah, an expert Consultant Surgical Oncologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon, had the privilege of attending and presenting at the...
Read Moreब्रेस्ट कॅन्सर : स्तनांची घरच्या घरी तपासणी कशी करायची ?
कॅन्सर हे वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारचे असतात परंतु सामान्यतः महिलांमध्ये आढळून येणारा कॅन्सर हा स्तनांमध्ये आढळून येतो. स्तनांचा कॅन्सर (breast cancer)...
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आजच्या ब्लॉगमध्ये आपण कॅन्सरमध्ये किंवा कीमोथेरपी दरम्यान काय खावे, काय नाही याबद्दल माहिती जाणून घेणार आहोत परंतु तत्पूर्वी कीमोथेरपी...
Read MoreBest Practices For Cancer Care During The Monsoon Season
The monsoon season brings a welcome break from the scorching summer heat, but it also presents challenges, especially for those...
Read MoreWhat To Eat During Chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy is a common treatment for cancer, but it can take a toll on the body. One of the most...
Read MoreVaccines in Cervical Cancer for Girls
Cervical cancer is a serious health problem that affects women. One of the most effective ways to prevent this disease...
Read MoreOral Cancer Treatment Without Surgery
Oral cancer is a serious health problem that affects many people around the world. Early detection and treatment are essential...
Read MoreMost Common Types Of Cancer In Women, Symptoms & Its Treatment
Cancer is a major health concern for women worldwide. Early detection and awareness of symptoms can greatly improve treatment outcomes....
Read MoreBreast Cancer Recovery: Do’s and Don’ts During and After Treatment
Breast cancer recovery is a multi-step process that involves physical, emotional, and psychological healing. Understanding the dos and don’ts during...
Read Moreमुँह का कैंसर | कारण, लक्षण और उपचार
मुँह का कैंसर | कारण, लक्षण और उपचार WCRF 2020 म्हणजेच world Cancer Research Fund 2020 की एक रिपोर्ट के...
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मित्रांनो तुम्हाला सर्वाइकल कैंसर बद्दल माहिती आहे का? नसेल माहिती तर मुळीच काळजी करू नका कारण आम्ही तुम्हाला सर्वाइकल...
Read MoreA Guide to Diet and Lifestyle for Colorectal Cancer Prevention
Colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer, is one of the most common and deadly forms of cancer worldwide. According...
Read MoreThe Truth About Breast Lumps: Myths vs. Facts
When it comes to women’s health, few things cause as much worry and confusion as finding a lump in your...
Read Moreअग्नाशय (पैंक्रियाटिक) कैंसर: लक्षण, कारण और उपचार
अग्न्याशय में शुरू होने वाले कैंसर को अग्न्याशय कैंसर के रूप में जाना जाता है। कैंसर की ये एक ऐसी...
Read Moreस्तनाच्या कर्करोगाविषयी ७ सामान्य गैरसमज
स्तनाचा कर्करोग ज्याला ब्रेस्ट कॅन्सर असे सुद्धा म्हणतात. हा भारतामधील महिलांसाठी सर्वात सामान्य कर्करोग आहे. दरवर्षी सुमारे...
Read MoreStage 4 Oral Cancer: Symptoms And Treatment
Welcome, readers, to an important discussion on a topic that demands our attention – Stage 4 Oral Cancer. As we...
Read MoreGuide to Throat Cancer Prevention
Every year, thousands of people are diagnosed with throat cancer, a serious disease that can significantly impact one’s quality of...
Read MoreWhat Causes Mouth Cancer In A Non-Smoker?
Mouth cancer, a form of oral cancer, is often perceived as a disease primarily affecting smokers. However, groundbreaking research has...
Read MoreColon Cancer: Symptoms, Stages & Treatment
Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that develops in the colon (large intestine) or...
Read MoreDiet and Nutrition Tips for Throat Cancer Patients
Throat cancer can be a challenging journey, not just for the patient but also for those around them. One of...
Read MoreSummer Safety Tips For Cancer Patients And Survivors
Summer brings sunshine, vacations, and fun, but it’s also important to be mindful of staying safe, especially for cancer patients...
Read Moreपुरुषों और महिलाओं में कैंसर के सामान्य संकेत और लक्षण
कैंसर का निदान करना मुश्किल हो सकता है, क्योंकि प्रारंभिक अवस्था में अक्सर कोई स्पष्ट संकेत या लक्षण नहीं होते...
Read Moreगले में कैंसर की शुरुआत कैसे होती है?
कैंसर का अभी भी कोई कारगर इलाज नहीं है। WHO (विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन) के अनुसार, 2020 में एक करोड़ से...
Read Moreसिगरेट पीने से कौन से अंग का कैंसर सबसे ज्यादा होता है(Which organ is most likely to get cancer due to cigarette smoking)?
तो दोस्तों आप जाणते ही हो की, सिगरेट पिने से हमे कॅन्सर जैसी महाभयानक बिमारी हो सकती है। लेकीन क्या...
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आपको ब्रेस्ट कॅन्सर तो पता ही होगा लेकीन क्या यह जाणते है की, यह ब्रेस्ट कॅन्सर कितने दिन में फैलता...
Read MoreUnmasking Oral Cancer: Dispelling 6 Common Myths and Revealing the Facts
Introduction Oral cancer is a formidable health concern, and myths surrounding this condition can contribute to misinformation and delayed treatment....
Read MoreDispelling Breast Cancer Myths: Unraveling the Truth with Pune’s Top Breast Cancer Surgeon
Introduction Breast cancer is a formidable foe that affects millions of women worldwide, and misinformation can add to the challenges...
Read More5 Things You Need to Know When Getting a Breast Biopsy
Introduction If you or a loved one is facing the possibility of a breast biopsy, it’s natural to have questions...
Read MoreOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – A Great Time to Get Familiar with Your Breasts
Introduction October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer and the importance of...
Read MoreRaising Awareness Against Breast Cancer
Introduction Breast cancer is a pervasive health concern that affects millions of individuals and families worldwide. While significant progress has...
Read MoreThe Message for Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2023: Together We Fight, Together We Win
Introduction Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a powerful annual campaign that aims to raise awareness about breast cancer, its early...
Read MoreWhat Causes Breast Cancer? Exploring the Underlying Factors
What Causes Breast Cancer? Breast cancer is a topic that strikes fear into the hearts of many, and for good...
Read Moreकोलन कैंसर(Colon Cancer): लक्षण, कारण, और उपचार के तरीक़े
कोलोरेक्टल कैंसर एक ऐसी बीमारी है जिसमें बृहदान्त्र या मलाशय में कोशिकाएं नियंत्रण से बाहर हो जाती हैं। इसे कोलन...
Read Moreस्तनाच्या कर्करोगाची (Breast Cancer) शक्यता कुणास अधिक असते? जाणून घ्या
कर्करोगाचे निदान आपल्याला झाले की आपण सर्वजण घाबरुन जातो. आपल्या सर्वांच्या डोक्यात व मनात कर्करोग म्हणजे मृत्यु अटळ असतो. हे...
Read MoreDetecting the Silent Threat: The First Signs of Colon Cancer
Introduction Colon cancer is a formidable adversary, often lurking in the shadows with subtle warning signs that can easily be...
Read MoreUnveiling the Silent Threat: Lung Cancer Symptoms, Causes, and Insights
Introduction Lung cancer, one of the most prevalent and deadly cancers worldwide, is a critical health concern that demands attention...
Read MoreUnveiling Tongue Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Awareness
Introduction Cancer, a term that strikes fear in the hearts of many, can affect various parts of the body, including...
Read Moreयुवाओं में तेजी से बढ़ रहा कोलन कैंसर( Colon Cancer )
ऐसे माना जाता है की कोलन कैंसर( Colon Cancer ) आमतौर पर बुजुर्गों में होता है लेकिन आजकाल यह युवाओं...
Read MoreThe Benefits of Yoga During Cancer and How to Get Started
Yoga is a holistic practice that has gained recognition for its numerous physical and mental health benefits. At ProLife Cancer...
Read MoreEarly symptoms of colon cancer in young adults
Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the colon or rectum. While it...
Read MoreSymptoms and Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer
Head and neck cancer refers to a group of cancers that occur in the tissues and organs located in the...
Read MoreTypes of Bladder Cancer: Understanding the Differences
Bladder cancer is a common type of cancer that affects the lining of the bladder. It can develop in different...
Read Moreक्या Biopsy से Breast Cancer फ़ैल सकता है?
भारतीय महिलाओं में ब्रेस्ट कैंसर के मामले तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं। ब्रेस्ट कैंसर महिलाओं में होने वाले सभी कैंसर...
Read MoreTargeted Therapy in Cancer Treatment: Benefits and Risks
Cancer treatment has come a long way in recent years, and one of the most promising developments in the field...
Read More“What is a Biopsy and Why is it Important for Diagnosis?”
A biopsy is a medical procedure that involves the removal of a small piece of tissue or cells from a...
Read More“Painless Chemotherapy: How Does the Treatment Work?”
Chemotherapy is a common cancer treatment that involves the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. However, chemotherapy can cause...
Read More“पेनलेस कीमोथेरेपी: उपचार कसे कार्य करते?”
कीमोथेरेपी हा कर्करोगाचा सामान्य उपचार आहे. यामध्ये कर्करोगाच्या पेशी वाढण्यापासून आणि पसरण्यापासून रोखण्यासाठी शक्तिशाली औषधांचा वापर केला जातो. कीमोथेरेपीमध्ये कर्करोगावर...
Read MoreTypes of Head and Neck Cancers
Head and neck cancers are a group of cancers that develop in the tissues of the head and neck, including...
Read MoreColon Cancer How soon you can get this?
Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the colon or rectum. It is...
Read MoreCan You Get Stomach Cancer At Any Age?
Stomach Cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the lining of the stomach. This...
Read MoreInnovative Way of Celebrating World Cancer Day 2023
4th Feb is world cancer day celebrated all over the world to create awareness about cancer. This year Prolife Cancer...
Read Moreपुरुषों में स्तन कैंसर कितना खतरनाक (How Dangerous is Breast Cancer in Men)
ब्रेस्ट कैंसर (Breast Cancer ) आमतौर पर महिलाओं में पाया जाता है। हालाँकि, पुरुषों को भी यह बीमारी बहुत...
Read MoreEffect of Colonoscopy Screening on Risks of Colorectal Cancer
Recent research found that colon cancer incidence might be cut in half just by screening for the disease using a...
Read Moreप्रक्रिया केलेल्या आणि गोठवलेल्या मांसामुळे कॅन्सरचा धोका! (Cancer risk from processed & frozen meat)
गोठवलेल्या मांसामुळे (frozen meat), रेड मीट किंवा प्रक्रिया केलेले मांस नियमित खाल्ल्याने कॅन्सरचा धोका (Risk of cancer) वाढू शकतो....
Read MoreThe Benefits and Harms of Breast Cancer Screening
At present huge numbers of women are suffering from breast cancer worldwide. The statistics are getting raised every year. Keeping...
Read Moreपुरुषांनाही स्तनाचा कर्करोग होऊ शकतो का? (Does Men also can get the Breast Cancer?)
पुरुषांमध्ये स्तनाचा कर्करोग (Breast Cancer) दुर्मिळ आहे.सर्व स्तनाच्या कर्करोगांपैकी 1 टक्क्यांपेक्षा कमी पुरुषांमध्ये होतो. पुरुषांचा स्तनाचा कर्करोग हा दुर्मिळ आजार...
Read MoreBest Way to Prevent colon Cancer
At present, men and women huge numbers of men and women are suffering from colon cancer. As per research, almost 4.4%...
Read Moreक्या पिज्जा-बर्गर खाने से पेट का कैंसर होता है? (Does Eating Burgers & Pizza Causes Stomach Cancer in hindi)
क्या पिज्जा-बर्गर खाने से पेट का कैंसर (Stomach Cancer) होता है.जैसे-जैसे समय बदला है, लोगों की जीवनशैली बदली है, खान-पान में...
Read MoreWhat Is Testicular Cancer and Types
Like other cancers, Testicular Cancer is also a much-talked topic in recent times. This cancer develops in the testicles of men and...
Read MoreChemotherapy side effects
Chemotherapy is the primary treatment for cancer patients. This therapy uses highly active chemicals to destroy cancer cells that grow...
Read MoreWhat causes liver cancer?
At present, suffering from liver cancer is a much-talked topic. As per the research 2022 American Cancer Society, 41260 new patients are...
Read Moreजिभेचा कर्करोग कशामुळे होतो? लक्षणे, कारणे, व उपचार (Tongue cancer Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment in Marathi)
जिभेचा कर्करोग (Tongue cancer) हा तोंडाचा कर्करोग किंवा तोंडाचा कर्करोगाचा एक प्रकार आहे, जो सामान्यतः जिभेच्या पृष्ठभागावरील स्क्वॅमस (squamous)...
Read Moreक्या मुंह का कैंसर को ठीक किया जा सकता है? (Can oral cancer be cured in Hindi)
राजीव गांधी कैंसर संस्थान का कहना है कि मुंह का कैंसर (Oral Cancer) पर इलाज हो सकता है। अगर...
Read MoreThings You Should Know About Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
One of the most successful ways to treat breast cancer is via surgery. Breast-conserving surgery is an option in certain...
Read MoreSalivary gland tumors – Diagnosis and treatment
Salivary gland tumors are malignant growths of aberrant cells. Cancer of the salivary glands is very uncommon. The saliva produced...
Read Moreकीमोथेरपी ट्रीटमेंट क्या है? फायदे और नुकसान ( What is chemotherapy treatment? advantages and disadvantages in Hindi)
“कीमोथेरेपी” (Chemotherapy) शब्द का प्रयोग अक्सर कैंसर का इलाज करने वाली दवाओं या दवाओं के संदर्भ में किया जाता है।...
Read MoreColon Cancer Rates In Younger Adults Are Rising
Colon Cancer incidence and death rates of colorectal cancer have been declining consistently over the last several decades. The availability...
Read Moreकेमोथेरपी म्हणजे काय? कॅन्सर रुग्णाला त्याचा किती फायदा होतो? (What is chemotherapy? How much does it benefit a cancer patient?)
कुठल्याही आजाराची माणसाला भीती वाटतेच. त्यात कॅन्सर हा अत्यंत जीवघेणा आजार आहे. या आजारात शरीराच्या कोणत्याही भागात पेशींचे अनियंत्रित विभाजन...
Read MoreImmunotherapy Treatment For Cancer
Immunotherapy refers to a kind of treatment that employs certain components of the immune system to combat malignancies like Cancer...
Read MoreUnderstanding And Coping With Chemotherapy Side Effects
Chemo, short for “chemotherapy,” is a drug-based method of treating cancer. Like malignant cells, it specifically goes for rapidly replicating...
Read Moreप्रोस्टेट कर्करोग धोकादायक आहे का?( Is Prostate Cancer Dangerous in Marathi)
प्रोस्टेट ग्रंथीचा कर्करोग (Cancer of the Prostate Gland) हा पुरुषामध्ये होणारा कॅन्सर आहे. हा आजार वेळेत न ओळखल्यास धोकादायक होऊ...
Read MoreDifferent Types Of Radiation Therapy Used In Cancer Treatment
Radiation therapy is often used to treat cancer. It targets cancer cells with high-powered X-rays and kills them with precise...
Read MoreIs Radiation Safe for Cancer?
Radiation treatment, surgery, and medicine including chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy, and/or biologic therapy are often used to treat cancer,...
Read Moreक्या सर्वाइकल कैंसर ठीक हो सकता है?(Can Cervical Cancer Be Cured in Hindi)
सर्वाइकल कैंसर(Cervical Cancer) महिलाओं में गर्भाशय सर्विक्स(Uterine Cervix) का कैंसर है। गर्भाशय सर्विक्स(Uterine Cervix) वह अंग है जो गर्भ को...
Read MoreOral and Oropharyngeal Cancer: Risk Factors and Prevention
The number of cancer patients in the last few decades has increased to a huge extent, including various factors leading...
Read MoreWhat is Prostate Cancer – Symptoms, Treatment and Cure
Cancer has become one of the most common diseases that cause yearly deaths. That is why being careful and looking...
Read MoreEsophageal Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Considering the increasing number of cancer patients yearly, anyone can get cancer. Therefore, it is always advisable to take preventive...
Read Moreब्रेस्ट कैंसर और उसके स्टेजेस कितने है?(What is Breast Cancer and it’s Stages in Hindi)
ब्रेस्ट कैंसर के प्रकार (Types of Breast Cancer) महिलाओं में ब्रेस्ट कैंसर(Breast Cancer) का खतरा सबसे ज्यादा होता है l...
Read MoreBest Cancer Hospital in Pune – Prolife Cancer Centre in Pune
Cancer is a fatal disease that can take away a person’s life. It can be cured completely (if detected in...
Read Moreतोंडातील ‘ही’ लक्षणे देतात मौखिक कर्करोगचा संकेत! (Symptoms in the Mouth That Indicate Oral Cancer in Marathi)
मौखिक कर्करोग (Oral Cancer) मौखिक कर्करोग (Oral Cancer) हा कार्सीनोमा(Carcinoma) प्रकारचा कर्करोग आहे. हा कर्करोग जीभ, ओठ, हिरड्या, टाळू, किंवा...
Read MoreFoods To Eat During And Post Tongue Cancer Treatment
Healthy dietary habits and daily exercises are essential requisites for staying fit. To maintain the good health of tongue cancer...
Read Moreसिर और गर्दन कैंसर का इलाज (Head and Neck Cancer Treatment in Hindi) – रेडियोथेरेपी और उसके लाभ
सिर और गर्दन का कैंसर के विभिन्न प्रकार हैl यह कई भागो मे हो सकता है, जैसे मुँह,गला , वॉइस...
Read MoreStomach Cancer: 5 Things You Need To Know
Stomach cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths that occur worldwide. It starts when cancer cells are formed...
Read Moreतरुणांमध्ये कोलन कॅन्सर(Risk of Colon Cancer in Young People in Marathi) चा वाढता धोका
कोलन कॅन्सर(Colon Cancer): पोटाच्या समस्या मुख्यतः पचनसंस्थेमधे (Digestive System)बिघाड झाला की उद्भवतात. तरुणांमध्येही कोलन कॅन्सरचे प्रमाण आता दिवसेंदिवस वाढत आहे.आजकाल...
Read MoreLifestyle Changes After Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Life as a cancer patient involves surgery for removal of cancer, if possible, and chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc. These treatment...
Read Moreकॅन्सर आणि केमोथेरपी (Cancer and Chemotherapy)- समज व गैरसमज
कॅन्सर आणि केमोथेरपी समज व गैरसमज कॅन्सर,ज्याचं नाव ऐकलं की पायाखालची जमीन सरकते. पण कोणत्याही रोगावरती सकारात्मक दृष्टिकोन , सकारात्मक...
Read MoreDanger of Smoking: Lung Cancer
Smoking poisons almost every part of our body from our lungs to our heart though it doesn’t only affect a...
Read Moreक्या सिर और गर्दन के कैंसर (Head and Neck Cancer Treatment in Hindi)का इलाज संभव है?
कैंसर के कई प्रकार होते हैl सिर और गर्दन के कैंसर के बारे में बहुत प्रश्न होते है l हमें...
Read MoreHPV vaccine: How does it protect against cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is related to HPV or Human Papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted infection. HPV vaccination supports immunization, and it can...
Read MoreWhat are the types of urologic cancers?
Urologic cancers result from the growth of abnormal cells that later develop into cancerous tumours in the urinary tract. Urologic...
Read MoreHow Do Doctors Analyse Mouth Ulcers In Patients Suspected Of Oral Cancer?
Also known as mouth cancer, oral cancer is constituted chiefly as a growth in a part of the mouth that...
Read MoreMouth(Oral) cancer: Symptoms and Prevention
The presence of sore or abnormal growth in the mouth or a part of it for a more extended than...
Read MoreHow To Reduce The Risk Of Developing Esophageal Cancer?
Cancer of the esophagus, commonly known as the food pipe that affects the tube that directly runs from our throat...
Read MoreEndocrine cancer: a challenge in adults and children
Endocrine cancer develops in the tissues of the endocrine system. This system includes the areas like the thyroid, adrenal, pancreas,...
Read MoreDo You Know Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding could be a Sign of Cancer?
Among various cancer, vaginal cancer seems to be one of the rarest cancer developing in the vagina. it mainly occurs...
Read More7 Unusual Symptoms of Vaginal Cancer That Women Shouldn’t Ignore
Vaginal cancer is the rarest disease that women suffer from, but it can be deadly if not treated on time....
Read Moreमॅमोग्राफी (Mammography) कोणी, कधी आणि का करावी
लॅटिन भाषेत म्यांमा म्हणजे स्तन आणि ग्राफी म्हणजे तपासणी. मराठीत सांगायचे झाले तर आपण जसा छातीचा एक्स-रे करतो तसाच...
Read Moreकेमोथेरपी (Chemotherapy) म्हणजे काय?
मानवाच्या शरीरातील एखाद्या अवयवात पेशींची बेसुमार वाढ होऊ लागते. त्यांचा शरीरात एक गोळा (Tumour) तयार होतो. पेशींच्या या अनियंत्रित वाढीस...
Read MoreWhat Are Signs & Symptoms Of Bile Duct Cancer
Human bodies consist of thin tubes that connect the liver and the small intestine. These tubes allow bile to transfer...
Read Moreस्तनांमधले ब्रेस्ट सिस्ट (Breast cyst) आणि फायब्रोएडेनोमास (Fibroedenomas) कसे ओळखावे
ब्रेस्ट सिस्ट(Breast cyst) आजकाल तरुण म्हणजे अवघ्या 30- 40 वयाच्या महिलांमधे स्तनामधे सिस्ट (Breast cyst) किंवा गाठ आढळून येत आहे....
Read MoreThe Future of Cancer Care: 6 New Technologies That Will Transform Cancer Treatment
As the world has seen cancer treatments and the evolution of treatments over the years, new hopes have emerged to...
Read MorePaediatric Cancer Do Not Ignore Sudden Weight Loss or Swelling in Any Part of Your Child’s Body
We all desire our kids to be healthy and do everything to keep them that way. But what if they...
Read Moreपित्त की थैली के कैंसर (Gallbladder Cancer) के लक्षण, कारण, बचाव के टिप्स
पित्ताशय (Gallbladder) हमारे शरीर का एक छोटासा अंग है जो पेट के दाँयी ओर स्थित होता है। पित्ताशय का...
Read MoreMyths Associated With Breast Self-Examination
Cases of women suffering from Breast cancer are increasing worldwide, and hence experts suggest women gather more information about breast...
Read MoreImpact of Digital Therapeutics & Nutrition In Cancer Patients During Recovery & Post-Treatment
Cancer is one of the biggest problems in today’s society, and it can be stressful for those affected to deal...
Read MoreHow Does Alcohol Cause Stomach Cancer?
Today, the regular habit of drinking ignites the risk factors of Stomach cancer among people. A study on five lakh...
Read MoreGo Easy On Artificial Sweeteners. They May Up Your Risk of Cancer
Without sugar, people cannot enjoy food. But having a high blood sugar level, you cannot consume sugar. So, sugar patients...
Read MoreGallbladder Cancer: Get Facts on Stages and Treatment
Gallbladder Cancer: Get Facts on Stages and Treatment: Firstly, The Gallbladder is a situation where malignant cells develop within the...
Read Moreकॅन्सर उपचार म्हणजे ‘प्रोलाईफ कॅन्सर सेंटर’
कॅन्सरच्या (कर्करोग) प्रत्येक रुग्णाचे जगणे पहिल्यासारखं करणे, या एकाच ध्येयाने झटणारे शहरातील एकमेव ‘डेडिकेटेड कॅन्सर हॉस्पिटल‘ (Dedicated Cancer Hospital...
Read Moreकिडनी कॅन्सरचे लक्षणे: चाचण्या, उपचार व शस्त्रक्रिया
किडनी (Kideny)… म्हणजेच मूत्रपिंड. पण किडनी हा शब्द सर्वांशी जास्त परिचित आहे. शरीरातील टाकाऊ पदार्थाचे लघवीवाटे विसर्जन करणे व...
Read MoreColorectal Cancer – Digestive Disorders
Colorectal cancer is a kind of cancer that develops in the colon or rectum. This guide will discuss how digestive...
Read MoreCigarette Smoking and the Risk of Cutaneous Melanoma
The first thing that springs to mind about cigarette smoking is Lung cancer. Many people don’t consider cigarette smoking a...
Read Moreस्तन कैंसर (Breast Cancer) के प्रमुख कारण, लक्षण और उपचार
भारतीय महिलाओं में स्तन कैंसर (Breast Cancer) कैंसर का प्रमुख कारण है। भारत में हर साल एक लाख साठ...
Read MoreWhy Do Cancer Patients Cut Their Hair?
According to Dr. Sumit, Why Do Cancer Patients Cut Their Hair? In nature, hair goes through a growth cycle. There...
Read MoreWhich age groups are at the highest risk for breast cancer?
According to Dr. Sumit Shah, Which age groups are at the highest risk for breast cancer? A woman in 1940...
Read MoreHow Tobacco Leads to Mouth Cancer
Mouth cancer is the most frequent cancer among males, accounting for 11.28 percent of all cases. Women are diagnosed with...
Read MoreRishi Kapoor dies at 67 due to Leukaemia
In a terrible incident, actor Rishi Kapoor died his lengthy fight with Leukaemia. As we all know, the actor had...
Read MoreImmunotherapy to treat cancer: options & side effects
Anti-cancer treatments that activate the body’s immune system are known as Immunotherapy. Unlike healthy cells, cancer cells do not naturally...
Read MoreHow fast does Kidney Cancer spread?
Do you know how fast does Kidney Cancer spread?. Any part of the body might be the origin of cancer....
Read MoreEffects of Alcohol on Tumour Growth, Metastasis, Immune Response, and Host Survival
Cancer risk is consistently associated with both cigarette and alcohol use. It doesn’t matter whether you drink wine, beer, or...
Read MoreTypes of Oncologist and Services
Types of Oncologist and services Doctors specialising in cancer diagnosis and treatment are called Oncologists. Oncologists undergo intense training to...
Read MoreWorld Cancer Day: United, We Are The Change!
World Cancer Day: United, We Are The Change! Creating awareness about an illness that kills over 8.8 million people each...
Read Moreभारतात जठराच्या कर्करोगाचे वाढते प्रमाण चिंताजनक
सर्व प्रकारच्या कर्करोगांवर आधुनिक तंत्र व अनुभवी तज्ञांद्वारे प्रभावी उपचार करण्याचे कार्य पुण्यातील प्रोलाईफ कॅन्सर सेंटर करत आहे. या सेंटरमधील...
Read MoreTreating Lymphoma during pandemic diagnosis consultation & care
Lymphoma refers to the cancer of your lymphatic system. It starts in the lymphocytes, which are a kind of white...
Read MoreLife after Breast Cancer Treatment
Breast cancer affects women not only physically but also has some psychological effects. Many women question whether it will be...
Read MoreHow Corona virus can affect Cancer Patients Health
Corona viruses affect cancer patients health, are a range of infections that have given rise to a new type called...
Read MoreEverything you need to know about Mammography
When we talk about the second most common type of cancer affecting women, is breast cancer. Regular Mammograms can increase...
Read MoreHow to treat and prevent oral cancer?
Oral or mouth cancer is cancer that develops in parts of the mouth that together make up your oral cavity....
Read MoreImmunotherapy Treatment for Cancer- A Brief Guide
Immunotherapy or biological therapy is a promising and evolving cancer treatment that stimulates your immune system. Some immunotherapy drugs consist...
Read More7 Powerful Ways to Fight Chemotherapy-Induced Fatigue
Fatigue(tiredness) is the most common side effect experienced by patients during and after cancer chemotherapy. If you’re always feeling physically,...
Read Moreजठराच्या कर्करोगाचे (Gastric Cancer) निदान आणि उपचार पद्धती
जठराचा कर्करोग:-चोर पावलांचा प्रवास अन्ननलिकेचा पुढील भाग म्हणजे जठर. आपण खाल्लेल्या अन्नपचनाची सुरूवात येथुन होते. तसा हा महत्त्वाचा अवयव पण...
Read Moreस्तनांचा कर्करोग (Breast Cancer)- निदान आणि उपचार पद्धती
भारतीय स्त्रियांमध्ये होणाऱ्या कर्करोगामध्ये स्तनाचा कर्करोग (Breast Cancer) हा पहिल्या क्रमांकावर येतो . दरवर्षी भारतात एक लाख साठ हजार...
Read Moreकर्करोग रुग्णांसाठी वरदान…
‘प्रोलाईफ कॅन्सर सेंटर अँड रिसर्च इन्स्टिट्यूट’ कर्करोग म्हणजे मरणाची चाहूल, असं वाटत असलं तरी प्रत्यक्षात ती नव्या जीवनाची सुरुवातच मानायला...
Read MoreWorld Cancer Day 2022 – Close The Care Gap
Creating awareness about an illness that kills over 8.8 million people each year is highly necessary. World Cancer Day is...
Read MoreWhen Should You Get Yourself Tested for Colorectal Cancer?
Colon cancer screening refers to a part of the health care routine. In case your doctor recommends a colon cancer...
Read MoreWhat are the risk factors for cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is a kind of cancer that happens in the cells of your cervix or the low part of...
Read MoreDo You Know Cigarette Smoking Can Cause Tongue Cancer?
Tobacco has a major risk for different kinds of cancer, such as tongue cancer. All the products of tobacco, including...
Read MoreSigns and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer in Women
Cervical cancer occurs at the entrance of your womb. The cervix is a narrow part of your lower uterus, which...
Read MoreCancer Patients, Avoid Heavy or Very Frequent Consumption Peanuts
Cancer patients who consume peanuts regularly can raise the risk of the spreading of cancer. Therefore, frequent or heavy peanut...
Read MoreAn Overview of Prevention and Early Detection of Cervical Cancer
You can prevent the risk of having cervical cancer by going for regular screenings. These screenings include HPV tests and...
Read MoreWhat Can I do to Reduce My Risk of Cervical Cancer?
The best thing that you can do to prevent your risk of having cervical cancer is to get an HPV...
Read Moreतोंडाचा (मुखाचा) कर्करोग (Oral Cancer Treatment in Marathi): वेळेवर निदान हे जीवन वाचवणारे आहे
तोंडाचा कॅन्सर (Mouth Cancer)…. कर्करोग (Cancer) म्हटलं की सर्वसामान्य माणसाचं धैर्य पुर्णतः खचून जातं … व तो सगळं संपलं...
Read MoreOur Videos
What Causes Cancer?
Smoking Or Tobacco chewing likely to develop cancer of the Lung, Mouth, Throat, Esophagus, Bladder, And Pancreas. Smoking causes about a quarter of all cancers. Also exposure to chemicals like Asbestos, Benzene, Formaldehyde, etc increases the risk of developing cancer like urinary bladder cancer, lung cancer, and skin cancer.
What are the early symptoms of cancer?
Common symptoms of any type of cancer include unexpected fevers, unexplained weight loss, lumps, etc. If the symptoms persist for more than a week, visit your healthcare provider. If cancer is suspected, you will be advised to do cancer diagnosis tests. It is followed by a screening and cancer treatment plan, which is again customized for each patient depending on the stage of cancer and other medical conditions.
How do I know what type of cancer I have?
Based on symptoms, your cancer specialist can perform cancer diagnostic tests that can include pathological, cytological, or radiological examinations. If the cancer is confirmed, the cancer specialist determines the stage of cancer to get an idea about the malignancy’s extent and spread.
When should I see a cancer specialist?
Your doctor or physician may carry out tests to determine whether you have cancer or not. If your healthcare provider suspects that you have cancer, you’ll likely be referred to a cancer specialist.
What are the cancer treatment options available?
Treatment of cancer varies based on several factors like the type of cancer and the stage of cancer. Usually, cancer treatment options include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, etc. At a Pro-life cancer center, we use a multidisciplinary approach, where an integrated team of cancer specialists decides your cancer treatment.
I,one of small scale industrialist, Shubhash Gaikwad, a regular exerciser and healthy food consumer, would never thought to come at this way. But life is about uncertainty and unknown challenges. So before 1 year near my tonsils, I got a lump. So my nephew who is also doctor recommended me to go for advanced opinion and gave reference of Dr. Sumit Shah .First I took chemotherapy and then went to surgery under Dr sumit Shah. As there are some myths about the disease and I have some doubt about it. And Dr. Shah gave all the answers to my questions. My treatment is been completed now. And Ca Rt Retromolar trigone is cured. The journey taught so many lessons for new start. The most important thing is that life is beautiful and u need to take some effors to make it better through disciplines of health and well management of ours mental health.
Subhash Gaikwad
My name is Islam shaikh. Now I am 54 years old. Almost 5 years back I had wound in my right side of mouth . For the same we meet Dr Sumit Shah through our family physician . I remember the day and Dr shah told me the nature of surgery and risk invoke in it. My wife and entire family was very afraid but we decided to follow Dr Shah sirs advice. I underwent surgery but had problem on around 3 rd day of surgery . My son called Dr. Shah, he reached immediately in hospital and deed needful. Still I remember that day and his words GIVE TIME . Now it’s been 5 years I am perfectly all right eating, speaking well .I am on regular follow up with sir.Thanks!
Islam shaikh
My wife had lump in her breast.. .And we were searching for one best oncologist.... For her... Somehow we got Dr Sumit Shah and he asked for surgery .....she went for surgery under Dr. Shah... And it's been 1 year that my wife is absolutely fine also she had done her chemo cycle in prolife cancer center .. I appreciate all of his staff and their dedication towards us!
Jijaba Bodare
My wife had lump in her breast.. .And we were searching for one best oncologist.... For her... Somehow we got Dr Sumit Shah and he asked for surgery .....she went for surgery under Dr. Shah... And it's been 1 year that my wife is absolutely fine also she had done her chemo cycle in prolife cancer center .. I appreciate all of his staff and their dedication towards us!
Jijaba Bodare
My dad had Lymph nodes neck biopsy...then we knew that he is suffering from spindle cell carcinama...we were totally unaware about this diagnosis...somehow I meet Dr sumit shah through my family doctor..He is very frankly and honest in his work....now he is operating my dad by chemotherapy...nd My dad is out of danger...sir thank you so much....to help us...to care us!
Bibitayaba Jaffery
Initially It was started from toothache, so I went to the family doctor sameer tamboli , He suggested us for Dr. sumit shah...after so many review and recommendations I came to the Prolife Cancer Centre. before coming here I have gone through so many doctors and hospitals..but was not satisfied ...after seeing Dr sumit shah...i became assured to be absolutely fine...n then through procedure we got to know...my actual diagnosis is called is cancer of cheek and we can operate without any changes on my face...the surgery I had for this was successfully happened by him...dr shah to is very derivative and honest in his duty...I would like to recommend him for this kind of surgeries...thank you sir for being with us!
Rafique Sayyed
I am very strict and discipline lover human....i don't know how things became worse ...and I was shocked to know that am facing small cell carcinomas it's a rare form of cancer I have been treated at other hospitals before coming Dr Sumit Shahs center...I realized that dr shahs prolife cancer centre is a more caring and cost effective. I watched Dr. Sumit shah on TV and came to see him now m feeling perfectly good and assured for Shah 's chemo therapy....sir keep it up your trustworthy service for society...!
Subhash Wani
Doctor did eye operation after suggetion given by our family doctor. Operation was successfully completed. \nDoctor is very supportive in nature.
Prajakta Deshmukh
We are lucky enough to get Dr Sumit Shah. He is a Gem of all and very friendly. We consulted Dr Sumit sir for my father cancer treatment after consulting 2-3 doctors we finalized to start treatment. We were very negative to start chemo but post discussion with sir all out doubts and questions were answered and he made us comfortable. Very rare to get such doctors in today's world so I highly recommend Dr Sumit Shah and his hospital. His staff is like a family for us now and he got decent rooms and facilities.
Yogi Nerkar
My mother was suffering SQ UMAOUS cell carcinoma....we were unaware about this diagnosis ...and had no Idea about what to do...then our family doctor suggested us for Dr Sumit Shah...first we meet him....in his prolife cancer center ... He was so friendly....we loved his working way n hospital...we decided to go with his therapy....He operated my mother diagnosis with surgery called wide local excision under SA....and it was successed by him ....Now my mother is fine....we can see again smile on her face...thank you so much sir ...for being with us!
Sunita Ranpise
We had been under lot of stress when my husband was diagnosed with oral cancer 1st stage..after visiting many consultation with different doctors and still not being satisfied I was referred by my family friend about Dr.Sumit Shah . He gave a positive vibe. He put doubts and queries to rest. He assured us of a healthy recovery. His approach is honest and he takes the time to explain every little detail. The nurses were extremely helpful and wore a lovely smile on their faces all the time. Their polite behavior and caring attitude is truly appreciable. The hospital was neat and clean with decent rooms Thankyou Dr Sumit Shah and Mrs Poonam Sharma for being so understanding and supportive through this difficult phase . God Bless
Komal Samtani
I came to Dr Sumit Shah for my mother's consultation, in first visit we felt very comfortable and were very relaxed after meeting sir. Operation went well and my mother recovering now. He is always available on call for help.Staff was very helpful and always smiling.
Prafull Patil
My mother was diagnosed with cancer cervix 3 years back . My entire family was under tention. Then we came to know about Dr sumit Shah. We consulted him, he advice MRI and other investigations. He told us she doesn't need surgery and will need radiation and few chemotherapy injections. We were insistent about surgery but he convinced us that surgery is not the treatment for this stage of disease. My mother completed treatment and now its 3 years complete. My mother is absolutely fine doing all her activities. We are on regular follow up with dr Shah. Thank you dr shah
Venkatesh Kolkar
My mother was suffering from bleeding...so my family Dr. recommended us to go to the Dr Sumit shah...and then we meet him...my mother was so afraid ...shah gave her support and courage with maturity...so she could fight with diagnosis... After reports and all formalities Shah told us she had a caricinoma sigmoid colon....and then Shah operated her in mature way...she had successfully surgery under prolife cancer centre...also staff and administration friendliness won our heart...This type of treatment satisfied us in all of way.... Thanking Shah for supporting My mother!
Ravindra Sangade
So the beginning started with toothache..and I thought to go to the dentist..later I went for check up ...and Dentist recommended me to ask for cancer tests...With the report of Test and I got to know it is primary stage of oral CA..So I went to Doctor and here I came in Prolife Cancer Center ....Dr Sumit Shah such a great personality that I found hopes in my life...Dr Sumit shah sir said to do operation and I believed him...Now m absolutely fine and back to my lifestyle again...Thanking you sir ...for the everything u gave me and my family!
Ajit More
I was so scared and depressed before coming in prolife cancer centre....so I met Dr. Sumit Shah there...I had pain in chest and my conciousness brought me here...He consulted me in his OPD...His OPD and hospital is very fresh...and have positivity in environment...I felt so cool and fresh so When he talked me about my pain...it was cleared that my pain is very normal and it happens back of hectic schedule...but the way he handled me was very supportive...Thank u so much sir...keep it up and!
Pragati Shingare
Friends, it is always better to prevent by taking medical care instead of curing the diseases . when the body suffer by it. I did the same think when I observed that I am finding little difficulty while opening mouth in a large way so I went to general surgeon for consultation, he found white patch inside left cheak . A peace of which was then sent to laboratory examination where their results indicated some doubt so it was again consulted with oncologists Dr. Sumit Shah... and then it was operated by laser and it was called as leucoplakia...the operation was complicated within 15 min...this war due to my habbit of chewing tobbaco for last 55 years....but some times at these stage also honestly feel..that enjoying tobbaco chewing for 55 years is very is not bad against operation in 15 min....so friends it is up to everyone choice to decide what to do..lastly oncologists Dr sumit shah hospital in pune at seven love chowk is a nice hospital for its hospitality
Pramod Bamane
Dr.Sumit shah is very extremely considerate , very human and one of the best doctor . I have ever come across . He is always there for his patients and and very soft spoken , selfless. He is very experienced,competent and learned in his field....I wish his all success in his professional and personal endeavours....
Chandani Oval
I am very glad to share my experience . Dr.Sumit Shah sir is god for me...it is very rare to find such a good doctor,he as a person is very kind pure soul, radiant, understanding and helps his patients fight battle of cancer.... dr.sumit Shah sir has been easily approachable and he frankly answered all our queries..His cheerful disposition is a huge morale booster for the patient and relatives.....I would highly recommend him.... thanks Dr. Submit Shah sir....
Yogita Gaidhane
"Dr. Sumit Shah is awesome. He is caring and his utmost concern is your comfort." He took such wonderful care of my father, explaining things carefully to make certain I understood. I have always been very satisfied with the care and attention that I have received.” Everyone is so friendly. The Doctors, nurses & staff are professional and very thorough. They were caring and concerned, friendly while maintaining professional and efficient standards of service. I was so very thankful for the excellent care I received at Prolife Cancer Center”
Aniket shah
I have been associated with Dr.Shah for a lil more than 4 years now. He is a very down to earth person with enormous domain experience and expertise.. Thank you sir for all the expert treatment and ease of approachability.
Salim Shaikh
I would highly recommend Dr. Sumit Shah... he is the evergreen personality... My Uncle had CA bladder... He was suffering from this diagnosis.... We were unaware of this diagnosis... So I searched for the best doctor and came in Prolife cancer center... The Dr. Sumit shah handled situation very maturally.. He operated successfully... And now my dad is absolutely okay... Thanks a lot sir... ?for being with us!
Aslam Shaikh
Dr Sumit Shah has been easily approachable and frankly answered all our queries . He has given us hope and is guiding us very well through the treatment for my patient. His cheerful disposition is a huge morale booster for the patient and relatives. Thank you Dr. Sumit Shah sir
He is very expert and taking care of patient..my wife was under his treatment from last 4 years..I done her mammography before 4 years at that time the report was not correct then dr consulting dr shah again fresh memography was done and cancer was detected then after he treat her very nicely his relations with patient was very good..he is always keeping happy to the patient..he definitely he is expert in his profession and god may give him all the success in feature .. I also express my congrats to him for his new Cancer Centre... All the best !
mehrunisha shaikh
Very nice and professional doctor and hospital staff.Did my treatment here with affordable charges and cooperative environment. Treatment time and method was better than expected..
Valmik Shelke
If anybody asks me do u believe in god? my answer will b no I believe in Dr. SUMIT SHAH If God is a creator then Dr Sumit Shah gives life to his creation. A man with a golden heart A magician, A Life changer.So kind n so generous 1 of the best doctor. God bless u doctor with all the happiness.
Khatija Khoja