Among various cancer, vaginal cancer seems to be one of the rarest cancer developing in the vagina. it mainly occurs on the surface of the vagina, als...
7 Unusual Symptoms of Vaginal Cancer That Women Shouldn’t Ignore
Vaginal cancer is the rarest disease that women suffer from, but it can be deadly if not treated on time. Normally, women suffer from ovarian cancer o...
मॅमोग्राफी (Mammography) कोणी, कधी आणि का करावी
लॅटिन भाषेत म्यांमा म्हणजे स्तन आणि ग्राफी म्हणजे तपा...
केमोथेरपी (Chemotherapy) म्हणजे काय?
मानवाच्या शरीरातील एखाद्या अवयवात पेशींची बेसुमार वाढ ...
What Are Signs & Symptoms Of Bile Duct Cancer
Human bodies consist of thin tubes that connect the liver and the small intestine. These tubes allow bile to transfer from the liver to the small inte...
स्तनांमधले ब्रेस्ट सिस्ट (Breast cyst) आणि फायब्रोएडेनोमास (Fibroedenomas) कसे ओळखावे
ब्रेस्ट सिस्ट(Breast cyst) आजकाल तरुण म्हणजे अवघ्या 30- 40 वयाच्या म...
The Future of Cancer Care: 6 New Technologies That Will Transform Cancer Treatment
As the world has seen cancer treatments and the evolution of treatments over the years, new hopes have emerged to eliminate all forms of cancer. Here ...
Paediatric Cancer Do Not Ignore Sudden Weight Loss or Swelling in Any Part of Your Child’s Body
We all desire our kids to be healthy and do everything to keep them that way. But what if they start losing weight or have swelling in a part of their...
पित्त की थैली के कैंसर (Gallbladder Cancer) के लक्षण, कारण, बचाव के टिप्स
पित्ताशय (Gallbladder) हमारे शरीर का एक छोटासा अंग है जो पेट के ...
Myths Associated With Breast Self-Examination
Cases of women suffering from Breast cancer are increasing worldwide, and hence experts suggest women gather more information about breast cancers. Wo...