Cancer is one of the biggest problems in today’s society, and it can be stressful for those affected to deal with it. Recovery from cancer can b...
How Does Alcohol Cause Stomach Cancer?
Today, the regular habit of drinking ignites the risk factors of Stomach cancer among people. A study on five lakh adults in Europe claims people who ...
Go Easy On Artificial Sweeteners. They May Up Your Risk of Cancer
Without sugar, people cannot enjoy food. But having a high blood sugar level, you cannot consume sugar. So, sugar patients depend on artificial sweete...
Gallbladder Cancer: Get Facts on Stages and Treatment
Gallbladder Cancer: Get Facts on Stages and Treatment: Firstly, The Gallbladder is a situation where malignant cells develop within the gallbladder ti...
कॅन्सर उपचार म्हणजे ‘प्रोलाईफ कॅन्सर सेंटर’
कॅन्सरच्या (कर्करोग) प्रत्येक रुग्णाचे जगणे पहिल्यास...
किडनी कॅन्सरचे लक्षणे: चाचण्या, उपचार व शस्त्रक्रिया
किडनी (Kideny)… म्हणजेच मूत्रपिंड. पण किडनी हा शब्द सर्वा...
Colorectal Cancer – Digestive Disorders
Colorectal cancer is a kind of cancer that develops in the colon or rectum. This guide will discuss how digestive disorder is linked with colorectal c...
Cigarette Smoking and the Risk of Cutaneous Melanoma
The first thing that springs to mind about cigarette smoking is Lung cancer. Many people don’t consider cigarette smoking a risk factor for Cuta...
स्तन कैंसर (Breast Cancer) के प्रमुख कारण, लक्षण और उपचार
भारतीय महिलाओं में स्तन कैंसर (Breast Cancer) कैंसर का प्रमुख क...
Why Do Cancer Patients Cut Their Hair?
According to Dr. Sumit, Why Do Cancer Patients Cut Their Hair? In nature, hair goes through a growth cycle. There is a similarity between the side eff...