Receiving a cancer diagnosis is a life-changing moment, and going through chemotherapy can bring many physical and emotional challenges. One of the mo...
What To Eat During Chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy is a common treatment for cancer, but it can take a toll on the body. One of the most important ways to support your body during this tim...
“Painless Chemotherapy: How Does the Treatment Work?”
Chemotherapy is a common cancer treatment that involves the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. However, chemotherapy can cause a range of side effects...
Chemotherapy side effects
Chemotherapy is the primary treatment for cancer patients. This therapy uses highly active chemicals to destroy cancer cells that grow rapidly in the ...
कीमोथेरपी ट्रीटमेंट क्या है? फायदे और नुकसान ( What is chemotherapy treatment? advantages and disadvantages in Hindi)
“कीमोथेरेपी” (Chemotherapy) शब्द का प्रयोग अक्सर कैंसर का इलाज...
केमोथेरपी म्हणजे काय? कॅन्सर रुग्णाला त्याचा किती फायदा होतो? (What is chemotherapy? How much does it benefit a cancer patient?)
कुठल्याही आजाराची माणसाला भीती वाटतेच. त्यात कॅन्सर हा अ...
Understanding And Coping With Chemotherapy Side Effects
Chemo, short for “chemotherapy,” is a drug-based method of treating cancer. Like malignant cells, it specifically goes for rapidly replica...
कॅन्सर आणि केमोथेरपी (Cancer and Chemotherapy)- समज व गैरसमज
कॅन्सर आणि केमोथेरपी समज व गैरसमज कॅन्सर,ज्याचं नाव ऐकलं...
केमोथेरपी (Chemotherapy) म्हणजे काय?
मानवाच्या शरीरातील एखाद्या अवयवात पेशींची बेसुमार वाढ ...
स्तन कैंसर (Breast Cancer) के प्रमुख कारण, लक्षण और उपचार
भारतीय महिलाओं में स्तन कैंसर (Breast Cancer) कैंसर का प्रमुख क...