Salivary gland tumors are malignant growths of aberrant cells. Cancer of the salivary glands is very uncommon. The saliva produced by the salivary gla...
केमोथेरपी म्हणजे काय? कॅन्सर रुग्णाला त्याचा किती फायदा होतो? (What is chemotherapy? How much does it benefit a cancer patient?)
कुठल्याही आजाराची माणसाला भीती वाटतेच. त्यात कॅन्सर हा अ...
Understanding And Coping With Chemotherapy Side Effects
Chemo, short for “chemotherapy,” is a drug-based method of treating cancer. Like malignant cells, it specifically goes for rapidly replica...
Different Types Of Radiation Therapy Used In Cancer Treatment
Radiation therapy is often used to treat cancer. It targets cancer cells with high-powered X-rays and kills them with precise accuracy. Radiation caus...
Is Radiation Safe for Cancer?
Radiation treatment, surgery, and medicine including chemotherapy, hormone therapy, radiation therapy, and/or biologic therapy are often used to treat...
Best Cancer Hospital in Pune – Prolife Cancer Centre in Pune
Cancer is a fatal disease that can take away a person’s life. It can be cured completely (if detected in the earlier stages), but it is importan...
तरुणांमध्ये कोलन कॅन्सर(Risk of Colon Cancer in Young People in Marathi) चा वाढता धोका
कोलन कॅन्सर(Colon Cancer): पोटाच्या समस्या मुख्यतः पचनसंस्थेमधे ...
What are the types of urologic cancers?
Urologic cancers result from the growth of abnormal cells that later develop into cancerous tumours in the urinary tract. Urologic cancers are both ge...
केमोथेरपी (Chemotherapy) म्हणजे काय?
मानवाच्या शरीरातील एखाद्या अवयवात पेशींची बेसुमार वाढ ...
The Future of Cancer Care: 6 New Technologies That Will Transform Cancer Treatment
As the world has seen cancer treatments and the evolution of treatments over the years, new hopes have emerged to eliminate all forms of cancer. Here ...