At present huge numbers of women are suffering from breast cancer worldwide. The statistics are getting raised every year. Keeping in the augmentation...
पुरुषांनाही स्तनाचा कर्करोग होऊ शकतो का? (Does Men also can get the Breast Cancer?)
पुरुषांमध्ये स्तनाचा कर्करोग (Breast Cancer) दुर्मिळ आहे.सर्व स्...
Best Way to Prevent colon Cancer
At present, men and women huge numbers of men and women are suffering from colon cancer. As per research, almost 4.4% of men and 4.1% of women suffer...
क्या पिज्जा-बर्गर खाने से पेट का कैंसर होता है? (Does Eating Burgers & Pizza Causes Stomach Cancer in hindi)
क्या पिज्जा-बर्गर खाने से पेट का कैंसर (Stomach Cancer) होता है.जैस...
What Is Testicular Cancer and Types
Like other cancers, Testicular Cancer is also a much-talked topic in recent times. This cancer develops in the testicles of men and it is not a comm...
Chemotherapy side effects
Chemotherapy is the primary treatment for cancer patients. This therapy uses highly active chemicals to destroy cancer cells that grow rapidly in the ...
What causes liver cancer?
At present, suffering from liver cancer is a much-talked topic. As per the research 2022 American Cancer Society, 41260 new patients are suffering f...
जिभेचा कर्करोग कशामुळे होतो? लक्षणे, कारणे, व उपचार (Tongue cancer Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment in Marathi)
जिभेचा कर्करोग (Tongue cancer) हा तोंडाचा कर्करोग किंवा तोंडाच...
क्या मुंह का कैंसर को ठीक किया जा सकता है? (Can oral cancer be cured in Hindi)
राजीव गांधी कैंसर संस्थान का कहना है कि मुंह का कैंसर (Or...
Things You Should Know About Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
One of the most successful ways to treat breast cancer is via surgery. Breast-conserving surgery is an option in certain instances. During a lumpectom...